Member-only story
Let’s Make Sex Great Again
Sex should be more than just a tool for boosting your damaged ego.
The subject of sex is no longer taboo.
Intimacy, on the other hand, is still a ridiculed subject shrouded in mystery.
Opening up to another human being has become a beacon of light in a world built on hypocrisy and external validation.
Nowadays, more people than ever engage in casual hookups. Yet, the sensual awareness diminishes as the shame around sexual intercourse ripens.
We want to explore our sexuality, yet either brush it away with nonchalant remarks or fill the emptiness by sleeping around.
Has ‘dating app culture’ poisoned our souls and turned us into callous sex-hungry swipe freaks?
Where did the romance go?
The idea of sex on a first date or having a sex buddy became so ubiquitous that it amounts to a mockery when somebody does not engage in sexual experience right after the meeting.
Connecting has become shallow and superficial.
We live in a society that glamorizes pleasure, consumption, and escapism, where sacred sensualism became an endangered species.